Dr. Anuj Gupta is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and has been practicing for more than 10 years now. He specializes in Knee and Hip Joint Replacement Surgeries, Arthroscopic (keyhole surgery) knee and Shoulder surgeries, Primary and Complex Trauma cases, and Paediatric Orthopaedics including clubfoot deformity correction, Joint fusion, and preservation surgeries. His work is customized to cater to the needs of the patient and this provides a better plan of action for them.
What is Pain Management Orthopedic pain can be bony, muscular, ligamentous, or tendinous. Pain can be managed w
What is Fracture Management Fractures are a breach in the continuity of bone and depending on the fracture type and b
What is Arthritis Management 'Arthro' means joint and 'itis' means inflammation and arthritis is infl
What is Joint Replacement Surgery? When a joint has lost its cartilage due to various reasons, there is no lubricatio
What is Arthroscopic Surgery? These are keyhole surgeries where an endoscope is passed into the joint through a small
What are Intra-Articular Injections? Injecting steroids or PRP with or without Local anesthesia in and around the joi
What is Paediatric Orthopaedics? A) Club Foot Management- Club Foot is a congenital abnormity where a child
What are Orthopaedic Tumors? Tumors in Orthopaedics may take their origin from Bone, cartilage, tendons, nerve, fat,
Physiotherapy Support A) Knee exercises B) Shoulder exercises C) Cervical Exercises D) Back exercises E)
Infection in Orthopaedics Infection in the bone is called Osteomyelitis and if not managed properly can be really dev
Diet for Bones and Joints A healthy balanced diet will help you build healthy bones from an early age and maintain th
What is Preventive Orthopaedics? A) Osteoporosis Management- It's the decrease in bone density with age
Heel and foot pain management focuses on identifying and treating conditions like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis
Read MoreShoulder pain management involves diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the shoulder, such as rotator cuff injuri
Read MoreOrthopedic treatment focuses on diagnosing and managing conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, including bone
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