Pain Management

What is Pain Management 

Orthopedic pain can be bony, muscular, ligamentous, or tendinous. Pain can be managed with medications, exercises, physiotherapy, and localized injections in and around the joint. Recently some newer pain management techniques have been introduced like nerve ablation, PRP therapy, Radiofrequency ablation, ozone therapy, Hydrotherapy, etc.


A) Back and Spine Pain- Back pain is a common problem affecting the middle and old age groups more commonly than the young. Although it's sometimes challenging to deal with it simple clinical examination and a few tests can diagnose the problem which can be managed medically or rarely with surgical intervention. Pain can range from muscular causes to bony causes and timely diagnosis can help you lead a pain-free life.


B) Cervical pain- Cervical and neck pain is an annoying symptom that is coming up to be a new age disease with increasing use of mobile phones which can be associated with the spinning of the head at times. It usually takes a few days for the symptoms to subside provided a timely diagnosis and religious physiotherapy and exercises. Muscular reasons are more common in the young and bony degenerative causes are common in the old age group. Simple exercises, hot packs, gentle massages, and a few medications can treat the symptoms adequately.


C) Joint Pain- Joint pains are associated with degenerative cartilage loss from the bone ends and is usually associated with the old age group. In young joint pain may be associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis or similar diseases. Our cartilage needs care and adequate nutrition and diet. With proper exercises and guidance you can avoid your joint pains and with proper and timely treatment can treat and avoid your knee surgery.


D) Shoulder and Elbow Pain- Shoulder joint pains are associated with either bony or capsular/ ligamentous pathologies ranging from Frozen shoulder, tendinosis, tendinitis, bursitis, painful arc syndrome, rotator cuff pathologies, AC joint pathologies, impingement syndromes, arthritis, etc. Some of the shoulder pains are referred from the cervical and elbow too.

Elbow pain may be due to Tennis elbow, Golfer's bow, nerve entrapment pathologies, arthritis, infection, etc. and you need a doctor and evaluation if you have persistent elbow pain with restriction of movements.


E) Hip, Knee, and Ankle Pain- Hip pain is usually due to some pathology in the hip joint which may be related to the blood supply of the head of the femur causing AVN or it may be due to primary arthritis of the joint. Other muscular and tendinous causes are also there which need evaluation and management.

Knee pain is the most common type of joint pain in orthopedics which usually is associated with arthritis in the knee with more predisposition for females, overweight patients, genetics, lifestyle, diabetes, and previous injury to the knee. An array of treatment options are available today for knee pain before you reach for knee replacement surgeries. 


F) Hand and Foot Pain- dequervain's tenosynovitis, tendinitis, arthritis, metatarsalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc are some of the common causes for hand and foot pain which can be managed easily on an OPD basis.


G) Heel Pain- This includes Plantar Fascitis and Insertional tendinitis of the TA tendon as one of the most common causes of heel pain and multiple options are available for this treatment.

Category:Pain Management

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