Intra Articular Injections

What are Intra-Articular Injections?

Injecting steroids or PRP with or without Local anesthesia in and around the joint is a proven modality for pain relief once all medications have been tried earlier. It is quite effective and more than 90 percent of patients need just a single injection.

A) Knee Injection- Knee injections are indicated for relieving arthritis pain and it's quite effective during early-stage arthritis. Various modalities of injections are available like Viscosupplemens, PRP, or Steriods which are given either alone or in the combination with each other.

B) Heel Injection- It is mainly indicated for Plantar Fascitis or Retrocalcaneal bursitis. Proper diagnosis and exercises can avoid such injections.

C) Elbow Injection- Indications are Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow, Intersection syndrome, Nerve entrapments, etc.

D) Shoulder Injection- Mainly indicated for Bursitis, impingement syndromes, Frozen shoulder, Arthritis, tendinitis, etc.

E) SI Joint Injections- For sacroiliitis which is non-infective.

F) Spine Injections- Prolapsed Disc is a major cause of pain originating from the spine and is associated with radicular pain in the legs, altered sensation, and weakness with difficulty in walking. It can be managed with injections inside the spine or blocking pain injections outside the spine.

Category:Intra-Articular Injections

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